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Collabs are about me not just bringing my Bass - it's where we begin working equally together as Artists with other Artists.

Melbourne Taranta Orchestra feat. Allara: "Pizzica a sta Terra" (S.Rossano - Allara)

Melbourne Taranta Orchestra feat. Allara: "Pizzica a sta Terra" (S.Rossano - Allara)

"Pizzica a sta Terra" (Music by S. Rossano, lyrics by Allara / Salvatore Rossano) Recorded on March 15, 2020 at 75 Reid Street on Wurundjeri land by The Melbourne Taranta Orchestra feat. Allara. MTO are: Salvatore Rossano - Vocals/guitar Hayley Egan - Vocals Byron Triandafyllidis - Bouzouki Corey Romeo - Mandolin Felice Paone - Lira Alessandro Stellano - Bass Mirko Guerrini - Saxophone Basil Byrne - Trumpet Gianni Marinucci - Trumpet Matt Stonehouse - Percussion Michele Pacelli - Percussion and Allara - Vocals special guests: Daniel Jauregui - Electric guitar Enza Pagliara & Dario Muci - Percussion Rosa Voto - Dance Produced by Eyal Chipkiewicz and Salvatore Rossano Recorded and mixed by Oscar Jimenez (Vibrating Planet) Video by Coya Lee. Yorta Yorta lyrics Woka itjumatj, dungudja yakapna nywanda itumatj. Woka ngarwul, wuta ngarwul. Woka galnya, wuta galnya. Gukool Yorta! Dhona garradah- bekuk ngalnya gunya-ma Yakama nyenduk damanmu-uk Yakama nyenduk bekuk Garra Garra Dhomadhomanga wuta Italian lyrics Respiro la tua aria e penso Ca simë sulë nu mumentë E tu bella che stai in silenzio Sei stata sempre qui ascoltando Nà sò nientë senza te Ma continuo a fare finta che Non curandomi di te starò bene Sei acqua vientë terra e mare Sei madre amore sei la chiù bella Io son venuto qui a cantare e a ballare per te mia terra Che la terra avà sanà balla balla non ti fermar Sana lu core mia quando sento di averti accanto Stai bene quando io sto bene E tocco la tua pelle piano Ti proteggerò finchė avrò fiato dentro me E rispetterò perchè sei l’essenza dell’amore This work is the result of a collaboration between Salvatore Rossano and Allara. In style, the song takes inspiration from tarantism, an ancient ritual that celebrates the power of music and dance as a cure for the poison of a mythical tarantula spider. Our piece was written with the same spirit; today more than ever we need to sing and dance to heal ourselves and our mother Earth. The conception of this piece marks Allara's first writing in her Grandfather Don Briggs’ traditional language, Yorta Yorta. The process was guided by Aunty Lou Bennett (Yorta Yorta Dja Dja Wurrung) who aided in translating Allara's words which were inspired by, and in honour of Mother Earth and everything living. The Yorta Yorta lyrics in summary: Since the beginning of time we have all come together in ceremony, singing and dancing. Our Mother Earth is sick, our big human, animal and plant family is sick, but when the Earth and Country are healthy so are the people, and everything living. Time of silence is over, we must sing and dance for our Mother Earth, we must practice our ceremonies, let’s LIVE. The importance of listening to Mother Earth and everything living is integral to the healing process. Now when we practice our ceremonies, we sing, we dance, our whole Earth family is well again. Love and respect everyone and everything living! Love all life. Now we are coming together singing and dancing for mother Earth once again.
1. diyalana, diyalana - by Allara and Coree Thorpe

1. diyalana, diyalana - by Allara and Coree Thorpe

diyalana diyalana translating to silver wattle in Yorta Yorta, celebrates our intimate connection with our homelands. A grinding stone encompasses the music, connecting us spherically; up, down, backwards and forwards in time. An integral part of our everyday lifestyles, diyalana was like the oldest smartphone ever, versatile to no end but without the stress of a flat battery! The plant is still used for medicine, sweet drinks and baking, its wood for crafting tools and weapons, and the flowers to honour those we have lost. While grieving the depth of loss colonisation has inflicted, diyalana offers a magnitude of hope. It signifies a way to move forward connecting old traditions to the present. ABOUT THE PROJECT Diyalana translating to silver wattle in Yorta Yorta is a collaborative project between musician and composer Allara, and visual artist Coree Thorpe. It is presented in 4 new visual artworks, 4 new compositions and 4 new film clips. It’s a project that explores ourselves, our Yorta Yorta culture and our hopes for the future. We encourage you to discover your own interpretation or feelings about the ideas expressed in the works. All the music is instrumental, except for in ‘ngatha nhawa-l nanyirr’ when Allara sings “I’m looking for my digging-stick”. Using the power of composition, the music shares an album length journey alongside time-lapse videos of Coree creating the artworks. Do your own research, think critically and find out more about the stories we are sharing. We do not accept ignorance, therefore we hope that this project inspires you to learn about the Country where you live, and the people that came before you. Like the versatile plant itself, diyalana is a collaboration between yamak (cousins), sharing different aspects of our kinship, culture and history; we hope it touches you like it has us. credits Released on December 20, 2021 diyalana, Produced by Allara & Coree Thorpe Written by Allara Feat. Phoebe Elsworth (piano) Produced & Recorded by Allara Directed by Allara Editing by Jay Estorninho Dardi Munwurro Media Mixed by Russell Fawcus Mastered by Richard Stolz at Woodstock Studios This project was commissioned by YIRRAMBOI 2021
Archie Roach -  Kitchen Table Yarns with ALLARA

Archie Roach - Kitchen Table Yarns with ALLARA

Episode One of Archie's Kitchen Table Yarns features talented Yorta Yorta artist, Allara Briggs Pattison. Allara is a musician, composer, filmmaker, and involved in the climate justice movement. Using a double bass and loop station at the core, she is inspired by ancient oral traditions and is a natural storyteller. Allara harnesses hard-hitting spoken word taking the listener on a journey reflecting cultural, spiritual and environmental empowerment. Gently lulling audiences into a united chorus of unadorned melodies, her sound is unique and soul-stirring. "The kitchen table series is super exciting and such an amazing opportunity for emerging artists to chat with Uncle Archie about music, life and culture. Even when gigs seem to be cancelled over and over again, this series creates something deadly, ongoing and humbling in a time when there is no stability as a musician. Big love and thanks to Uncle Archie for the opportunity to yarn over a cuppa tea and a Monte Carlo." Allara says. In 2021 this new online series will feature 12 emerging First Nations songwriters and musicians from around the country. Connecting through online video, Archie will invite these exceptional young artists to yarn with him at his kitchen table to share stories about their songs, their communities, and their language. This incredible series will be a story of intergenerational celebration and connection through music with the first two episodes released on August 4 and August 18 with new episodes released for the rest of the year on the first Wednesday of each month. Archie says “When I started off in music nobody had much of a clue about who I was and what I was writing about,” Archie explains. ”I was considered a curiosity. Yarning at my kitchen table with these young artists will help people understand who they are and give them another platform to promote their music. The kitchen table has always been a place of inspiration for me. It's a place where I've written most of my songs, drank many cups of tea, ate meals, played music whilst my children ran around making plenty of noise. It represents family, community and love. We thought it would be a great idea to have a YouTube series and conversation at the kitchen table." “It’s important their voices are heard so they don’t have to go through what I went through. They are our future and when the time comes for us older singer songwriters to finish up we know it’s in good hands.” To find out more about Allara: A big thanks to Creative Victoria and Australia Council for the Arts for their support of this project.
Fantasy & Indigenous Culture Collaborating with First Nations Musicians on the Innchanted Soundtrack


In my 15 years working on and off as a session player, I can’t name everyone but I hope the following gives a bit more context to where I’ve been.

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